Goes to Cannes
SUNDAY 19 MAY 2019
10:00 2h
Palais K, Level 4
Category: New Horizons' Polish Days Goes to Cannes
Directed by: Leszek DAWID
Produced by: Maciej RZĄCZYŃSKI, Krzysztof RZĄCZYŃSKI, Dawid JANICKI, Paweł RYMARZ (East Studio Sp. zo.o.)
Country of production: Poland
Original title: Broad Peak
Genre: Feature film
Language: Polish
Runtime: 1h40
Maciek Berbeka makes the first winter ascent of Broad Peak in 1988. However, it turns out that he had “only” reached the Rocky Summit. Twenty-four years later, Maciek receives a call, after which he decides to join the new expedition to Broad Peak.