Genre: Adventure, Animation, Narrative
Produced by: Martin Schmidt, Raumkapsel Animation
Directed by: Dennis Stein-Schomburg
Original title: Déjà-vu
Lead artist: Dennis Stein-Schomburg
Runtime: 15-30 minutes (Variable due to interactive aspect.)
Language: English
Completed in: 2021
In the city of “Evia” residents are infected with light. A girl discovers what appears to be the host. She befriends it and houses it. Not to the delight of the other residents who want to drive the host away. A persecution begins…
Director’s statement:
People shape cities. But who are these people and how do they react when an apparent threat invades their living space.
In Deajvu its about exploring a detailed world to linger, combine and make up your own experience.
Origin: Germany
Devices: Oculus Rift series/Quest
Platform: Alexandria