Presented by: ACE Animation Special
Original title: Comrades
Directed by: Olivier Patté
Produced by: Maria Blicharska
Company: Blick Productions
Country: France
Country of production: France
Runtime: 95 min
Completed in: /
Looking for: Co-producer
Arrested with his mother at the beginning of the Second World War and deported to the gulag in Siberia, 11-year-old Jakub has only one wish : to return home to Poland. A seven-year journey begins that takes him from the vastness of the Siberian Taiga to the desert confines of Soviet Uzbekistan via the great steppes. Accompanied by the rebellious Sasha, driven by his passion for the stars and an overflowing imagination, Jakub writes his story before our eyes.
Target audience: Children of more than 12 years and adults
Project status: Development