SUNDAY 19 MAY 2019
Palais -1, Aisle 14
Category: AR/MR Focused Showcase
Presented by: Providences
Produced by: Antoine VIVIANI & Pierre-Alain GIRAUD (Providences) - France
Genre: Environmental, Science-fiction, Social issues
Language: French, English
Format: Augmented or mixed reality, Installation
Original title: Solastalgia
Lead artist: Antoine VIVIANI, Pierre-Alain GIRAUD
Main cast: Nancy HUSTON, Arthur NAUZYCIEL, Mehdi Belhaj KACEM, Anne BROCHET
Runtime: 0h50
Projected budget: $ 750,000
Budget in place: $ 350,000
Projected production date: 2019
Pitched by: Pierre-Alain GIRAUD - pagiraud@gmail.com / Antoine VIVIANI - antoineviviani@gmail.com
Our faith in technology has never been greater. We spend our life connected to the network. Technological progress carries our hopes: it might not only make us more powerful but – who knows? – it might even save us. Yet, scientists worldwide say that this radiant, technological future looks compromised. Humanity is about to undergo a crisis unprecedented in its history. The decline of living beings, climate imbalance and many other disturbing factors are prompting us to reflect on our civilization’s fragility.
Solastalgia is born of this tension and dizziness.
In a 400m2 installation, dressed as cosmonauts and equipped with HoloLens 2 augmented reality headsets, we visit a mysterious future, exploring the surface of a depopulated planet colonized by lichens, debris, ruins and fossils… A digital cloud hovers over the world, fueled by a strange machine. Walking through the landscape, human ghosts appear and surround us. Carefree and inoffensive, they act in a loop the joyful, moving and cruel moments of life, for eternity.
What does this curious paradise recount about ourselves?
Plunging us into the bad dream of our time, Solastalgia questions the essence of our existence, our beliefs, and the challenges facing the Anthropocene.